Sunday, June 11, 2017

Live Laught Love

Decided to take a walk around and see what I could do today. While I was walking around I started singing out loud. Randomness is what I'm all about at times.
Snapped some photos while I was singing my lil heart out. 

Poses are from Posies Poses 
Poses used are  Deli-pose one and Deli-pose four

Harmony's wearing:::

Outfit ~~ {Krayola Kids} Live Laugh Love (Includes top/shorts as one and shoes)
This outfit is at the DibDab event that is going on from June 4th - 28th. This event is a Relay for Life. Kiosks are out for donations for this great cause!! 

Hair~~ Magika Sparkle 01

 Rings- Paper Damsels -Ella Bento rings (L and R for Baby) 

  Nails- {Polished} - Ombre Fat pack from May's Hello Beautiful event.
Body information is here 
* Note Shrinkeedoo Add-on was used for this blog *


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